lexi · 2mo

please.... idv rush au emma hcs please

😳👍🏻 gotchu ceo of nortemma
- had a punkrock girl phase ( again, being the avril lavigne fr but also if lucy stone and jo taylor in big time rush in one ) , more so becuz in her arc ; she tries to be who her father wants her to be but that ain’t the case 🥺
- in the same vein, she used to a a guitarist / in a girl band with tracy and martha until they all split for mutual reasons of focusing on their college courses that leads to their career path ( tho with emma’s , its added with her trauma of blaming herself for her dad in a coma = forbids herself in picking up / playing the guitar again )
- speaking of her ptsd and how its a dark secret of hers , only eli knows about it ( due to his own arc where they meet in the same hospital and bond over what they went thru ); however prior to norton being the last person to find out ; naib knows second thru eli telling him ( in the epilogue part of eli’s centered arc )
- has alot of plants in her room that she takes care of and gave them very odd yet cute names
- post her arc , she starts dressing how she used to be but doesn’t shy away from trying looks thats both in her comfort zone and not cause shes very stylish creative like that
- if emma and norton start dating, they better go to an amusement park together and have matching headbands , eating cotton candy and trying all the rides and attractions together being the rebellious dorks they are. also have matching keychains by the end of the day.

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