Lovely’s · 3d

soogyv yuri mentioned by Thee Kaiko i just started tweaking. whatdo you mean. OHHHHHMYGOD 😣😣😣😣😣😣 if that was a thought in the Possible Art Creation category i might just explode. i love your art i love everything about the way you capture bomie and the members and. yuri. soogyv yuri. those things together. omfnggfkff like i don't even know if that's what you meant with your tweet or if it was an au thought or just a general thought (and even if it was just a general little thought in the passing you're so right for that i feel like all soogyvists have been having soogyv yuri thoughts and brainrots these days like i just saw a sb big boobs bg small boobs gfs discussion <3 and nodded my head like i was reading a research paper) but i simply pictured that in my head and almost dyed . hehe :333

WDYM THEE KAIKO?? HELLO?? Anon your really trying to make me lose my mind.. but it was as in possible art creation!! I’ve been seeing fem!sb and I need her so baddd with cute beomi hehe. Stoppp your praise is making me cheese so hard omg, thank you for loving my art 🥹 and yess all soogyvist need to soogyv yuri atleast once in their life TT I had that exact thought in mind. Tall, hot gf wi big boobs who’s overprotective of short gf who has small boobs and is to pretty for this world.. JSKSKS I need it now.

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