Yuriel · 6 answers · 1mo

Anybody else still remember their first e-mail address? What domain did it have?

I picked mine from this Latin American web portal "StarMedia" which apparently still exists? I thought it sounded cool 😅 At least compared to the alternatives. I was NOT going to have something ending in bloody "Hotmail" or worse, "Yahoo."

Back then I used the screen name "Artemis" thinking it sounded like the male version of the Greek hunter goddess (we call her "Artemisa") not knowing it was also female. 🤭

First email was definitely on AOL because that's... just how we accessed the internet at the time. I pretty much only used it to sign up to Neopets since I was pretty young at the time. I still actually use the same handle for my email as I did back then, just on gmail rather than AOL.

i can... in fact its still in use.
so i wont give details though it does feel very 20 years ago

I think my very first email was something on CompuServe, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was... the next one I had was a local Italian ISP, I also can't remember that one 😅

I have absolutely no clue. I've had so many over the years and I kept changing my screenname so I feel like I made new ones constantly.

I googled a bit and found a couple of domains I remember having, either one might've been the first. One was called luukku.com and it was one of the first free email domains here anyone could sign up for. The other was jippii.fi, "jippii" being the equivalent of "yahoo" in Finnish 😄

But yeah, can't remember any of the names I used.

My first email address was with on yahoo.com and I still use it today as my primary email

Although, I have recently created a new email using something like my real name so that I don't have to deal with comments when telling someone my email in public

Yes, it was at yahoo.co.uk. In my defence, it was the early 1990s.

I then transitioned to anonymous.to -- and used my real name. Because nobody would ever think I'd do that, right? Can't possibly be me! Yes, that was my logic. I was a teenager.

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