RhymewithRay · 18 answers · 2y

Looks like ships are a favorite conversation topic with a lot of people! What are your favorite ship dynamics or an ocxoc or ocxcanon ship?

I'm barely comfortable writing current oc/canon interactions let alone ships atm out of fear of messing up the character or feel like i'm doing them an injustice to someone else who likes the character. With oc x oc with someone else, i have someone to bounce ideas off of, reveal things about the characters i straight up didn't know and make something nice out of it. My favourite dynamics have to be "people who are either tired or sad find solace in each other and choose love." This is how it's worked for Avian every time whether its with a rocket exec or a former champ turned teacher - enjoying the quiet and comfort in each others arms.

When it's ocxoc when they're both my ocs then i can be as self indulgent as i like.

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