LaDamaX · 10 answers · 5y

Do you keep/have multiple
accounts on the same social networking site? And if so why? Tell me your deepest darkest secrets, please... 🤭😱

No, but I did troll the heck out of the Alphabet spammer aka TimeSplitters on Spring after he saved my pictures and created a fake account pretending to be me to make me look bad. I cloned his and used the picture of a man with down syndrome which made him livid, I mean LIVID (he's an autistic).

In my defense I was just giving him a taste of his own medicine and he was god awful. Thought it was okay to mock rape victims because he can't get laid, then played himself to be the "victim" of (and get this) "ableism".

I did this to some loser named David who was stalking someone I knew and doctoring faked messages between her to paint a completely false narrative. He actually threatened us both with litigation over it, LMFAO!

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