Teo · 9 answers · 5y

In your own words (i.e., no cheating or I'll eat your ass), what is DNA? What it looks like, what it does, where it is, etc. (I wanna know what ppl who don't think about it all the time understand it to be; no judgment, just curious)


/Dyno??? Nuclayic/ Acid ??? It's a curved ladder like shape (double Helix)? made up of cells(? connected spheres, or that's how it's represented anyway). It holds directions for for how to make organisms(?) their cells(?) their offspring(?) most of it is "fixed"(???) some portions are not(???) It was discovered by Crick and Watson(?)

The farthest I got was "fills the requirement" biology, much of which was promptly forgotten.

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