Daniel · 9 answers · 5y

Why do you (not) want to get married?


want? — It's supposed to be the end-all be-all when done correctly. It's the 'goal' of life (or some peoples'). The most wonderful person to be with you forever. Sounds awesome!

not? — 'Gone Girl' (2014). If you're not in tip-top condition psychologically you're going to attract damaged people. These people will have their own life problems. Rightly or wrongly they will grow to resent you, and blame you for said problems and/or any stress with dealing with other people who's purposes diverge.

All that can be bad enough, but if you're in this country, if you're a male that's just the beginning. If you have kids, their lives will be messed with severely. They may be taken away. Your money and life will be messed with severely. If she's vindictive bad bad bad things can happen to you. Prenups may not protect you. You will be, in effect, her servant. If you don't pay her, you will go to jail. Maybe there will be enough left for you to have a life, but maybe not.

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