Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

𝜗 ₊ moco-chan ᵎ 🐾 ₎₎ · 8mo

okay long post ahead sorry

hello - I just wanted to come on and address a few things. I understand this won’t have a lot of reach since this is a very small account, but at the very least it’s something to refer back to. I don’t plan on ever coming back here or being a part of the community surrounding it again, this is not any sort of attempt at a "comeback", I just have a couple of things to address and then I'll be gone again. I took everyone's words to heart and have been taking time for myself to focus on healing, and it has been really helpful. I understand now a lot of issues came from the influence of others who didn't have my best interests at heart. This isn't an excuse at all, it's just to say, yeah, you were right, I needed space to myself to improve, and I have been improving since I chose to take it.

As for what I wanted to address I will try to keep it brief. People using my name to attack others and to discredit and harm my friends, who were the ones to make me aware of the former issue also. I only know of one person who received hateful messages from someone claiming to be me, but if there have been any others, let this be reassurance that this was not me and I do not stand by what this person said. I think what was said was disgusting, and I think the person hiding behind anonymity and pretending to be someone else to get away with it is cowardly. I am almost certain of who it is, because they cannot resist the urge to brag, and I want them to know they have no right to treat others that way, even more so with the skeletons I know are in their closet. I have no interest in drama, but if anyone who was affected by this person wants to resolve the matter privately with me, they can shoot me a message and we can do that!

and for the latter issue; as simple as I can say it, please stop treating my friends (and not friends) poorly "because" of me. I have seen people I don't even know get dogpiled for being "my friend" based on assumptions and they are ignored when they try to clear the air. Please stop that, I keep my social circle very small now and most of the people being treated this way have nothing to do with me. Regardless of your opinions on me, it's not fair to them, they don't even know me. For the people that are my friends, please treat them with decency also. They know me very well and they know all the details of my journey to recovery & what I'm recovering from, and have chosen to support me on that journey. This doesn't mean they support any bad that I have done or agree with everything I say - they are not extensions of me, they are their own people. It just means they have a lot of compassion for me which I am very grateful for. Please don't allow that to get in the way of how you treat them. Give them some good grace and listen to what they have to say and treat them with kindness like you would anyone else. It's not fair for their own struggles to be silenced over any of this, they deserve to be heard too.

that's all, I'll keep an eye out for messages for a little while but after that, back to staying off this site for good!

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