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An AkiToya Zine


BAD DOGS Fan · 7mo

Hello hello! Will each unlocked stretch goal be announced?

Hello! Thanks for your question!

We saw it a little too late, but it looks like we already answered it!
We will be announcing across our social media channels with each stretch goal unlock. Thanks for supporting ECLIPSE!

BAD DOGS Fan · 7mo

Is using the previews as a pfp/header allowed? If not, does that change if you pay for the zine?

Hi! Thank you for your question and support of ECLIPSE!

Because each artist has a different sentiment regarding profile picture/header use, we ask that you refrain from any usage of the preview pictures or Zine PDF. This may change if the individual artist posts their own piece after leftovers and allows profile/layout usage. Thank you for understanding!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

When is the contributor line up going up?

Hello, thanks for your question! We are currently working on the lineup and we're excited to show off our contributors soon to the best of our ability!

Thank you for your interest in ECLIPSE!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

Will contributors be able to edit/change their profile picture/icon or the spotlight sample art later on?

Hello, thanks for your question!

Contributors will be able to change their profile picture and spotlight sample up until the contributor spotlight is posted. You can resubmit the form and let the mods know via discord or ask to DM a mod in the ECLIPSE discord.

Congratulations on your acceptance and thank you for your interest in ECLIPSE!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

sorry if you've already answered this, but I read that the zine will have 25 artsits, 7 writers, and 7 merch artists, does this INCLUDE guests? Or does it not? (if not then does that means the zine will have 28 artists, 9 writers, and 7 merch artists?)

Hello, thanks for your question!

This amount does not include guests or mods who are choosing to also contribute to the zine. We were able to add more contributors than our originally stated projection.

Thank you for your interest in ECLIPSE!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

If we have been accepted and completed the form, how do we enter the discord server?

Hello, thanks for your question!

At the beginning of the google form there is a link to the discord server in the description! When you complete the google form, the link to the server will be visible as well. If you find that this link is not working for you, feel free to DM us and we can get you set up!

Thank you and congratulations!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

Do you know approximately what time accepted/rejected emails will be sent out? Even if it’s just a Morning/Afternoon/Evening answer? Asking so I can make sure to comb through my spam bc for some reason my zine application results tend to go there???

Sorry for the late response, but they have been sent out now! Make sure to check your spam in case it doesn't pop up in your main inbox!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

The sticker is so cute! Is it chiricat's art again or is it from one of the guest artists? Also, will it be available for purchase during pre-orders if we don't win the giveaway? Thank you for the giveaway, it's such a cool surprise! Excited to see what else this zine will bring! :3

Hello there! Thanks for your continued interest in ECLIPSE and your kind words!

The sticker was actually drawn by our Finance Mod!

However, there are no plans to make it available for purchase during pre-orders since we will be having different merchandise for purchase with the zine.

Thank you again for your sweet message and support of ECLIPSE!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

i'm not sure if this was asked yet, but how many people will be selected for each position?

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

Hello! I’m just worried about the range of contributors you will choose for this zine as some tend to have a selective preference of art styles to present so I was wondering if you will be biased to the applications given in both page art and merch art based on art style not just composition?

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

sorry for the late question! as far as the artist application goes, is artistic nudity allowed? i read the part on no NSFW but wasn't sure if artistic nudity was included in that. Thanks!

Hi, thanks for your question!

In the case of artistic nudity, we would prefer that if it is included in the portfolio, that the subject is an adult. If it is an example of what you think is your best work, please do include it as long as the subject is 18+!
Please keep in mind that your portfolio should reflect the work you would produce for the zine!

We wish you the best of luck on your application!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

Just a message to say how goddamn excited I am for this!! Gl to all the applicants and I hope I get to see some of you guys 🧡💙

Hello, thanks for your message! We're so pleased to hear about your excitement!

We can't wait to see everything come together! Good luck from the team to everyone who applied as well!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

When contributers are chosen and will be announced, will artists be asked to choose one or more of their favorite/best works to show as they are announced? Or will it just be their icon and some information about them? I'm just wondering as a previous zine I worked in had us feature some of our work as well^^ thank you!

Hi, thank you for your question and interest in ECLIPSE!

Yes, we will be doing individual contributor spotlights for the zine. These will be formatted similarly to our Guest spotlights posted earlier. The spotlight will allow the contributor to introduce themselves, show a piece of their favorite work, and connect their socials to the project. Contributors will fill out this information through a Google Form in their acceptance email.

We will also have a contributor lineup, which will precede the individual contributor spotlights. This will only feature our contributors' credit names and icons.

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

Will my application be looked at based on my artstyle or how many pieces of AkiToya fanart or PJSK artworks I have?

Hello, thanks for your question!

The amount of PJSK artwork does not affect your application!

As specified in the guidelines and application form, your application portfolio will be evaluated based on style, anatomy, and composition. Akito and Toya are required to appear at least once so we will be able to have an idea of how you draw both of the featured characters of the zine.

Thanks for your interest in ECLIPSE and we wish you the best of luck with your app!

BAD DOGS Fan · 1y

Hello!! I'm just wondering if there's a specific time the contributor applications close? Thank you so much!

Hello, thanks for your question!

Our applications will close tomorrow Sunday, 12/10/23 at 11:59PM EST! We will be closing the form and posting on our social media channels that our applications are officially closed.

We appreciate your interest in ECLIPSE and wish you the best of luck with your application!

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