Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 1y

So your last 2 updates showed up in my email but I was so busy i couldn't find the time to read. When I did get around to reading today, i found that I had missed the third from last ch update (i always read one ch before the latest update as a brush up). I get to the last ch and read Epilogue in the title. I gasp. I look at the ch count. I gasp again. I've been reading Blood water when it was a 3 ch wip so it's been a journey that's come to a beautiful ending. Thanks for the treat alette, you always amaze.

Holy shit i could've sworn i replied to this ask already. So sorry to keep you hanging!! I'll try and recall what i thought i'd already said to you ^^;;
Thank you so so much for being with me through this huge journey. Blood, water was 3 chapters literally years ago, so to know i was able to keep your interest for so long is such a huge honor. I'm really so touched! I don't even know what to say!! Except sorry for dumping all the chapters on you at once and not giving you time to process haha
Thank you so much for reading, and for this super lovely ask. It really means so much to me 🤍

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