Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 1y

Hi omg I'm actually too shy to msg like this but i just stalked through your socials and retrospring like an obsessive fan and i came across your answer where you reply that the idea of one mingi's previous crushes being based on svt's Woozi and i freaked out bc I'm actually a carateen and i just LOVE your work and writing style! I wish you could write svt fic too bc i can actually imagine them in your writing style and i just know you would flesh them out so well if you were a fan i just wanted to say this

Wow thank you! I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying my work! I do love seventeen, they're such a fun group and they make terrific music too, so i can confirm you have great taste lol. And please don't hesitate to ever reach out if you want to! I'm not the best at replying on time (as you can see ^^;;) but i would always love to hear from you! 🤍

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