Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 12mo

binge read the entire blood, water in a span of 3 days, it was soooooooo good, i definitely cried during the last few chapters
also couldn’t help but notice you’ve turned it into a series!!! so excited for the next works in that universe!!
do you have any plans for it already? is it going to be ateez or some other group?

Wow thank you! So touched to hear my work affected you so much! (also you are a fast reader holy shit that is literal hundreds of thousands of words to read in less than half a week, kudos)

Ah yes, i did decide to expand it into a series! It will be a direct sequel, so same cast, but with a few additions. I've had a few floating ideas for other groups in the same universe, but none have really stuck like the sequel idea, so that is what we'll be getting (eventually. hopefully.) I talked about this ages ago, i think my first tweet on the subject is here: yes it will be jongho-centric!! And i'm really excited so i hope i can write it soon and you'll enjoy it! Thank you so much for this ask, and i'm thrilled you enjoyed my fic 💜

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