aimi ☃️

ei and chuuya are my wives

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Silly anonymous · 14d

sameeee it's always beast chuuya going to the canonverse (ngl i always thought about it that way too for some reason) so when i realised dazai could visit the beastverse as well i was like... shocked gasp

to be fair i only had the kiss scene in mind so writing all the rest was a bit hard LMAO but i think i'm quite satisfied with the result

thanks for reading as usual 🫶🏻🫶🏻

Silly anonymous · 15d

What do you think about Dazai with”don’t stay”and “lying from you” by Linkin Park?

Silly anonymous · 17d

Dazai is AAAAAA battery

Autism ADHD ASPD Alexithyma and Anhedonia

Silly anonymous · 19d

would u consider skk a codependent relationship?

Silly anonymous · 22d


no reply is going to match your words so all i can say is i'm so glad my content resonates with you hehe, i can't wait to write more stuff and find out what you think about it ✨

Silly anonymous · 2mo

i mean it kinda depends on the situation

ex:someone liking young characters like Elise in a romantic or sexual way is weird

let's be honest for a sec i don't think you can be attracted to pixels in a romantic or sexual way

Silly anonymous · 2mo

i'm assuming you watched or read black butler when it first came out and your crush on him just stayed as you got older (real) or do you like him because you kin him?

i simply like him because he's cool but honestly i see nothing wrong with liking a character who is younger than you 😅 it's just a bunch of pixels

Silly anonymous · 2mo

Have you ever had a paranormal experience? If so, what?

Silly anonymous · 2mo

I hate the summer too lol. I wonder if it’s because autistic people are sensitive to heat? (I literally hate the heat so much When i was younger i thought the sun made me sick because i always had a headache when it was hot)

i hate the summer because i hate sweat and the feeling of sticking all over my skin and most importantly i hate that the average summer temperature is set on 40-45 °C thanks to global warming and i'd rather not pass out while i'm outside lol

Silly anonymous · 2mo

Imagine a Hearth house Arlechinno raised version of Dazai and Chuuya cs Chuuya always knows how dress but Dazai will finally have to leave his unwashed coat

Now what if Chuuya as Perrie/Arle cs yk hands and Dazai as Perrie/Arle ⚔️🩸(the short video reminded me of them soo...)

well if you imagine mori as arlecchino then dazai and chuuya could be considered his children 🤔

Silly anonymous · 2mo

it’s summer why do you have a snowman still /lhj

the summer solstice occurs on june 20 so we're technically in the middle of spring rn but anyway i hate summer with a passion so mr snowman stays here ☃️

Silly anonymous · 2mo

just noticed your location as enkanomiya, ur so based. (i loved that region)

Silly anonymous · 2mo

(I'm pretty sure this is more of a request)

If you have motivation I kind of want to see a hunger games skk au (the first book at some parts)

Also how do you find motivation to write and feel good about them? I've tried to write and they turned out terrible...

Silly anonymous · 4mo

Mayhaps 🤔 but I still think flying is better because you'd actually be able to escape the island rather than staying on the island and deluding yourself into pretending you're somewhere else.

I follow someone else who's Italian and lives in Italy and they despise Olive Garden. What are your thoughts on Olive Garden?

i had to look it up on google because i have never heard it before... so i don't really have an opinion 😅 as long as the food is good i have nothing against it lmao

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