Silly anonymous · 24d

Since my response disappeared, I'll just write you another one (it probably won't be as good as my first though ngl)

Please, don't be upset, it's not your fault. I'm not upset, I know it's not your fault. You're very sweet for caring. I'm assuming it has something to do with I.P addresses or something IDK I don't work at Retrospring lol

Also, don't worry about traction, likes, and views. They don't really reflect how good your thread or works are. TWT algorithm sucks and Elon ruined the site plus people aren't as active as they were before, so that's probably why you didn't get as much traction as before. But the quality is still high and nothing to worry about.

I absolutely adore everything about your thread, just as I love all of your writing, you have a way with words even if you don't believe you do. Your writing will ALWAYS brighten my day, not only because of the content itself, but the dynamics and your wording as well. I just appreciate how messed up your version of SKK is. Sure, all versions of SKK are messed up, but yours resonates with me. I've seen a lot of good writers, but nobody else writes the way you do, and I appreciate that. I feel like I can relate to your works more than others and you're one of my favorite creators. I also just like you as a person, and often find myself agreeing with your opinions, music taste, or tweets in general. I think you're cool, and you're really really funny. XD

I love your characterization, always, especially in this thread. Chuuya caring for Dazai regardless of the circumstances is golden, and Dazai pushing him away because he feels he doesn't deserve Chuuya is also pure gold. Chuuya saying he doesn't pity Dazai is so like him. He truly doesn't pity him, but he still cares at the same time. Meanwhile, we know that Dazai has attachment issues, and I love how you capitalized on that. Along with the fact that he's also struggling with mental health at the moment, and Chuuya even stayed home from work for him. Dazai truly wants Chuuya to give up on him so that he can go his own way🥺

Another aspect that I appreciate is how patient Chuuya is here, when he's not burnt out, or tired of Dazai's ridiculous behavior, he makes a really good partner, and he loves Dazai no matter how dramatic the mackerel is, or how much Dazai tries to sabotage their relationship. Here he will deal with all the blows and punches to get Dazai to understand that their relationship is safe and he's not going anywhere. (Not literal physical fighting obviously lol)

I also love all of the minor details that you added, and how Chuuya went out of his way to make a special meal for Dazai to eat in comparison to his own. I too love chocolate chip pancakes and vanilla lattes. Dazai has excellent taste if I do say so myself.

Dazai saying he doesn't know if he can feel the love Chuuya gives him is so in character for him. He knows he feels something for Chuuya but cannot fully process it and even when he does process it somewhat, he feels too inhuman to fully love the way a "normal" person does. He feels like he will never be able to reciprocate the love and care that Chuuya gives him. He wants Chuuya to hate him, or for him to hate Chuuya to make things easier on himself.

Overall 11/10 thread. Beautiful. Your writing will always captivate me. The ending was so cute, and wholesome. I love how domestic they are here, and how Dazai accepted Chuuya's love, and how Chuuya accepted Dazai's half ass attempt at getting a reaction out of Chuuya. Hopefully Dazai will be able to recover from his harmful habits both regarding his attachment issues and his SH.

-Aimi's #1 biggest fan (hehehehe. You know exactly who)

I hope you're having a good day today, or whenever you read this. Also, good luck with your master thesis, Im sure you'll do well.❤️


no reply is going to match your words so all i can say is i'm so glad my content resonates with you hehe, i can't wait to write more stuff and find out what you think about it ✨

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