Silly anonymous · 16d

I'm too lazy to write a long winded comment like I did on your first thread, but I adore the concept of Dazai transgressing across the multiverse and meeting Beast Chuuya.

I've seen a lot of content that showcases Chuuya after Dazai's death, but I've never seen any works that show the original Dazai encountering him, and this satiated my desire to see that. (Quite well in fact. I love how you described their encounter) Hehehehe

Your execution of the concept was practically flawless I loved it sm. It actually fixed my life and gave me my soul back LMFAO 🥰 If you ever write a longer version or anything similar I promise I will be the first to click on it. (No pressure though, obviously. I'm not saying you have to write anything, I just like your writing)

(Don't ever stop writing. I will find you. /j)

sameeee it's always beast chuuya going to the canonverse (ngl i always thought about it that way too for some reason) so when i realised dazai could visit the beastverse as well i was like... shocked gasp

to be fair i only had the kiss scene in mind so writing all the rest was a bit hard LMAO but i think i'm quite satisfied with the result

thanks for reading as usual 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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