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Anon · 12mo

do you have a chart or anything with the whole hierarchy of gods and cupids and other beings?

I do not have a chart, but now I kinda want to make one.

I’ll explain what I have hashed out as far as the hierarchy the best I can. I have a tendency to ramble, so apologies ahead of time 🥲

Gods are ranked not by age or wisdom but by their usefulness, how needed they are. If a god reigns over something completely out of the control of mortals, they are considered high gods. If a god reigns over something mortals can manipulate or create or control on their own, they’re considered lower gods.

The sun god is a high god because mortals cannot control the sun. The goddess of beauty and fertility is an interesting and complex high god. While mortals can create and control beauty, they have no control over natural beauty or of the ability to conceive or grow. If the goddess chooses to make someone infertile, they cannot go against her. Off subject but fun fact, she allows mortals to conceive whenever it lands. If they plan it or don’t plan it, either way she usually doesn’t intervene. It would be impossible to keep up with. But for immortals, they typically do have to get her blessing because it’s serious for immortals, especially gods, to reproduce. Thankfully, she’s surprisingly generous most of the time. Another high god is the nothing god. He is the god of nothing. Nothing being the dark, vast spaces of emptiness or the dark side of the sun.

They don’t get along. He’s kind of a dick.

Also high gods who are not only necessary for the good of both realms but also hold the kind of power that could doom them completely are considered the highest, most powerful and well respected gods, like the sun god.

The god of love is actually a lower god. Because while he does spread and create love for everyone, especially the mortals, he doesn’t have the ability to stop anyone from loving. Mortal or immortal, anyone is capable of feeling at least one type of love without his help or intervention. That being said, like all gods, his work is still highly important. He’s the guiding hand that gently pushes mortals towards their happiness.

So, the more necessary a god’s work is, the higher their ranking. If that makes sense.

Below gods are the lesser immortals. Lesser immortals are those who haven’t achieved godhood and instead work for the gods. Most gods refer to them as servants or workers, but some like to give them special names, like the god of love’s cupids and the sun god’s nakama. Lesser immortals can actually become gods if they become powerful enough or excel in something or are deemed the heir to another god’s title. (Gods can retire, who knew?) For instance, one of the nakama has been offered the role of the god of steel and forges’ fires multiple times, but he always turns it down saying he prefers to continue serving the sun god. He also claims the title is too long and doesn’t even make sense. The current god of steel and forges’ fires is not amused and just wants to retire and live a peaceful rest of eternity already.

Anyways, lesser immortals are considered a sort of lower class because of their status as workers and servants. They fall under three categories: natural born, turned, and demigods. Natural born lesser immortals are usually biological children of the gods. Which is why they’re actually a small percentage of the lessers. The gods in question would have to be granted a blessing to have a child. Then, either the child will choose which parent to work for or the parents will decide for them. Natural born lesser immortals are treated fairly well as they are children of gods. Almost as well as lower gods are treated.

Demigods however get awful treatment. They are the children of a god and a mortal, usually born from mortal women. They are most commonly disowned or banished to the mortal realm. Lesser immortals can also have children with mortals. They will receive similar poor treatment if not worse.

But the lowest form of immortal is the turned immortal. Turned immortals are those who were born mortal but at some point in time, made a deal with a god for unending life. The deal is usually along the lines of agreeing to work for them in exchange for immortality. When a mortal is turned, they forget their mortal life entirely, but they are given a new life. Unfortunately, their status as being turned is the reason some gods refer to them as “fake immortals” or “imposter immortals” and look down on them as if they’re not worthy of so much as entering the immortal realm. But as there are so few natural born lesser immortals, even those who despise turned immortals are forced to have them work for them. There may or may not be turneds dealing with abuse from their gods. Those who work for gods who genuinely care for them are considered lucky. Those who are cared for and work for high gods are the luckiest turneds because they are protected by their gods and their ranking.

So in terms of lesser immortals, the tier from most decently treated to worst is: natural born, demigod, turned. Demigod is only higher than turned because being banished to the mortal realm grants them the mercy of not being a slave to a god. Only the turned of a high god might be treated better than them, overall.

Also, as it’s relevant, lesser immortals are more or less forbidden from speaking to or approaching any god that is not theirs unless given permission or in case of an emergency or something similar. Breaking this social norm would have terrible consequences for the lesser immortal. The worse the situation, the worse the outcome. If they simply speak out of place, they will be scolded and berated and insulted publicly. If they disrespect a god, they will be dragged away and punished. If they become too friendly with a god, if they somehow seem to think they’re equal to or special to a god, they will be taken and reminded of their place. Their punishment ranges from social scorn to violent beatings and imprisonment.

There isn’t much to say about mortals. They are simply everyday humans going about their everyday lives. Unaware of the immortals that walk among them.

To summarize, high gods are the highest beings followed by lower gods followed by natural born lesser immortals followed by demigods followed by turned immortals followed by mortals.

If something about this doesn’t make sense or contradicts, let me know and I’ll try to clear it up. Sorry for writing an essay 😓

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