Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 10mo

Do you think you might pick up your Cow Law AU again? I keep thinking about Law being presented at the show and Luffy coming to sample the goods. Please, help me. I'm severely calcium deficient.

Ahh! Yes absolutely! I’ve had a chunk of something written for it for a while now. But I kinda realized it’s a scenario that would be in like the middle of the au, so anyone who hasn’t seen my threads won’t know the full context. So I’m gonna have to rework it to make it more of a standalone. And I do plan on starting from the beginning someday!!

I have a very bad habit of picking and writing certain scenes. Why can’t I learn to just start at the beginning 😭

In the meantime, maybe give yumis fic a shot? I haven’t read it yet because work but maybe it can hold you over?

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