Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 7mo

Are you an author who likes getting questions like "are you still writing story XYZ?" because it motivates you, or are you someone who doesn't want to hear it at all because it puts pressure on you? (I know both kinds of authors!)

Kinda both? Like I always feel bad making people wait a long time so it would put more pressure on me. But also I like knowing which ideas people like the most or want to see more of because I have SO MANY ideas and aus sometimes I get overwhelmed trying to decide which one to work on. So knowing what y’all want would give me an idea of what to lean towards at least.

I guess I can say I don’t mind if you ask. 😌

Is it in the sultry summer calm? 😭 can you believe it’s been almost a year since I updated that one??? A YEAR. 💔

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