Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anon · 6mo

May I ask what your plans are for In the sultry summer calm? :3 I love that fic <3

I swear I plan on finishing it!! I hate the idea of leaving something unfinished. It’s just not highest priority on my list rn. There’s a couple fics I have to write with deadlines, so I’m trying to concentrate on those. But once they’re done, I will get back to in the sultry summer calm. 🥲

Unless by plans you mean plot wise…in that case: SPOILERS I GUESS. Although subject to change!

There’s meeting one or two of the pack, visiting luffys community center, maybe meet a couple more of the pack, get close enough to know they’re good people but not too close, because then it’s a fight and then a party and an unexpected heat, and THEN really getting to know the pack, and them immediately making laws life better without him even having to ask for help.

After his heat is over, he has a lot to thank them for. But that’ll have to wait until the fight is resolved and they make up in the back room of the flower shop but that’s a while nother thing….where was I going with this. Ah well that’s pretty much all I got rn anyways. I’ve been playing with the idea of some sort of festival through their downtown just so I can use it as an excuse to put law in a flower crown. I’ll figure that out when I get there.

It’s all still very up in the air. OH BUT there are cute dates and courting gifts sprinkled throughout ✌️

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