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Anonymous Coward · 6mo

What was the worst thing you've eaten so far?

🎀📝 · 16 answers · 6mo

Can anyone recommend me a movie/series to watch?

Do you like k-drama? I'd like to recommend Reply 1988, Hospital Playlist and Love, Lies for the movie.

Jayden · 4 answers · 6mo

Are you the type of person who keeps your circle small or the type who wants to have many circles?

The first one. I'd like to keep it small because I really want to have such a strond bond with my loved ones. But it doesn't mean I don't want to have another friends. :)

Jayden · 7 answers · 7mo

Selamat hari Kamis, udah senyum belum pagi ini?

Jayden · 7 answers · 7mo

What memories can still make you smile until today?

Jayden · 6 answers · 7mo

Wednesday is almost a wrap. Thanks for putting in the effort today. So, how would you rate your Wednesday, on a scale of 1 to 10?

Jayden · 7 answers · 7mo

Hello! Have you eaten your favorite food today?

Yes! I ate my soto mie bogor for lunch, then I had coffee to keep me awake! How about you?

Gaia! · 8mo

If tomorrow is the end of the world, what’s your last words gonna be?

My last words? It would be... "I'm sorry, I love you and thank you." Because those three words are so powerful in every kind of way.

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