Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

ivy · 7 answers · 1y

Kalian tipe yang seneng atau gak seneng sama hari ulang tahun kalian dan kenapa? Ohiya, udah kepikiran belom mau ngasih apa ke diri kalian sendiri di hari ulang tahun kalian? :3

birthday doesn't excite me because most people forget about it lmao!! and i'm not the kind of person who will remind everyone else about my birthday either, so yeah.. 🥺 it feels like a regular day for me. and for that reason, i barely want something on my birthday 🤔 (a little tmi: tahun lalu, secara aneh, aku pengen laut bercerita as my my birthday gift ⁉️ meskipun akhirnya baru kebeli tujuh bulan kemudian lmao :"D )

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