Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

cullen · 11mo

have you ever thought of opening requests for short translations? this isn't a solicitation or anything more like i see people do it sometimes recently so im curious

i do actually have a section for really short translations on my commission sheet for pocketlink but the more i think about it the more that i feel like it's not really worth it i guess? like if i'm translating that has about the complexity of a puyo quest card's flavor text and 3 lines the most i would charge for that is 5 usd but it's also so like. nothing. that i might as well not be getting paid yknow. and i feel like if people want to see something short tl'd they'd go for machine tl anyway (as long as it's for summary/personal use and not being used in place of a real translator). translating short stuff also leaves a lot of room for context to get lost especially in japanese so even getting a human OR a machine to tl something short they could easily miss something

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