Amoura Gertrude. · 13 answers · 19d

Do(s) and don’t(s) dating you.

Do: 1) Mutual respect and establish boundaries, 2) Show the rawest version of yourself as it's the one I'd be very much in love with, 3) Cling, lay, and rest your heart on me all you want.

Don't: 1) Manipulate and undercommunicate; 2) Cheat or even open your chances for other guys; 3) Silent treatment.

In short, I value vulnerability, respect, and loyalty once I'm in a relationship.

Do : Love me in your very own way. (Please). Communicate everything to me. I'll be all ears to you. They say it takes two to tango, right?

Don't : Bombing me with "love" just to justify your wrongdoing. Apalagi playing victim.

Do it:
- Just listen, don't try to give me a solution if I haven't asked.
- Love me and understand that I'm overthinking.
- Talk about something that bothers you. We should communicate, I would understand.

- Give me silent treatment, if you need your own time, tell me before.
- Force me to do things you like
- Force yourself to do things I like.


  1. Be honest with me and talk to me, I’d understand any situation as long as we talk about it.
  2. Show me through your actions that you actually want to be in the relationship.


  1. Giving a silent treatment and leaving without any explanation.
  2. Forcing yourself to do things you don’t feel like doing.

Do(s) :
· Jadikan Kia prioritasmu, beri banyak atensi dan afeksi untuk Kia.
· Terbuka tentang berbagai hal, termasuk hal-hal yang tidak kamu suka tentang Kia.

Don't(s) :
· Ingkar janji dan berbohong.
· Tidak memiliki batasan dengan teman wanitamu.
· Marah tanpa penjelasan / menghilang.

- Treat me good
- Show me that you love me
- Act like shit 🤣

Do: I can be quite insensitive so I always tell my closest one to say what they want from me, I always tell them to use their words.
Don't: When I'm in a relationship with my partner, I extremely loathe it when unrelated people try to intervene or if me and my partner have a fight because of third parties.

Do(s): Be honest with me. Talk to me about anything.
Don't(s): Lie to me, disappear without prior notice, silent treat me.

- be open and honest
- give attention and support
- be respectful towards me and others

- disappear without explanation or give the silent treatment

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