Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Goober · 9mo

Has Icey ever spend time messing around and experimenting with their nature as a “Gluttony Spawn”? Did she make any interesting discoveries regarding her potential abilities from being one?

well... for icey, being a gluttony spawn means several things. obviously, aside from eating a lot more than an average person, since she's got a direct connection to the elder gods, it also means she's psychically hypersensitive. this makes her really good at manipulating psychic phenomena (basically just magic and the supernatural) but it also makes her very sensitive to that sort of stuff too. as for what that means...

while she'll sometimes mess around with the occult she's more preoccupied with honing her psychic powers. turning water into ice and freezing the water that's already in the air. also psychically summoning electricity out of thin air. she's charged a couple batteries this way! (and... exploded many more but don't worry about that)

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