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Anonymous Coward · 17d

Can I ask how does imprinting work?? Like im confused by it since in my head if someone is like “forced to like each other” it’s not like a good thing but is imprinting different from that is it like “soulmates” or is it like the people have to like each other to actually imprint or what

Anonymous Coward · 17d

newly guessing that mnh0 in iohy imprinted on hyvnjn before hyvnjn's first shift !! i love this f!c so much

Very interesting theory. Hopefully new update soon. I've spent a lot of time making sure it has everything making sense.

Anonymous Coward · 17d

You won’t believe how many times I’ve reread the last chapter, Even a priest does not read the Bible that many times in a month🥹 hug u🤗🫶

Anonymous Coward · 23d

HI do u know how long you’re gonna make this fic??

Anonymous Coward · 23d


There is a huge event and a resulting resolution that I think explains the shift we see in Hyvne in ISYA.

I can say for everything you asked, there will be answers. The simple, maybe not explicitly explained part of pack relationships is that pack is pack. They might fight or squabble a bit but in the end, they're a team. They have to have a sort of unspoken comraiderie that they're all there for the same reason. Hope that makes sense!

Anonymous Coward · 23d

Hiii i just found this fic recently and basically binged through it in 2 days, finished chapter 9 yesterday and just wanna say i am so excited!! One thing i'm really curious about is when mnho's eyes changed colour during their first time, was it a one time thing? did hyvjn's eyes change too and would it have anything to do with their imprint? Anyway much love and thank you💕💕

Anonymous Coward · 23d

i’m really very down today, and your tweet about the update improved my mood. Thank you so much 💖

Anonymous Coward · 24d
Anonymous Coward · 24d

No theories or questions or anything just super looking forward to reading more. I dont really go into reading chapters with any sort of hopes(not meaning negatively) its just i know you write where it needs to go and it flows well and i just enjoy every moment (even the pain) cause its such an amazing experience reading everything. Much love to you💕

Anon, that is so sweet. I'm glad to hear things feel necessary because I'm always worried it's too much or too boring so thank you for that. Hope this update doesn't disappoint 💚

Anonymous Coward · 30d

do u think it’ll make sense for me to read the prequel story first and thennnn the other one u wrote first?? or no? I like doing that with books for some reason whenever there’s prequels but idk if it works like that or if I need something from the actual first one first

I've never had this asked before but actually, no. The prequels main characters are side characters in the OG story and its more of a coming of age. The OG story explains lore enough and has brief touches of what happened between Hyunjin and Minho sprinkled in. The prequel has very little involvement with the original BUT reading the prequel first won't ruin the OG story. It's preference. There is a little bit in the very beginning and very end that go to a time after the OG story but I don't think it's hard to follow. Both can be read as standalone, really.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

are you still working on side to side?

absolutely. just slowly. i have other projects that have taken precedence over that fic.

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