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Anonymous Coward · 11mo

bikin list not to date versi kamu dong!

Waduh. Cowok yang kasar, ones who don't respect my personal space, who go around a conflict without actually trying to resolve them, dan yang gak serius.

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

guys orang taken itu siang2 chat sama pacarnya juga? wkwk random tapi kalian kabar2an terus apa gimanah pacarannya?

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

all nanya dongkalo putus lebih dari sebulan/dua bulan trus balikan, umur hubungan nya di potong selama waktu putus ato ikut diitung kaya ga pernah putus?

Gak dihitung, sih. Kayaknya, ya? Jadi misal I date someone for 3 months, terus putus dua bulan, balikan for a month, totalnya jadi 4 bulan, bukan 6 bulan (?) Idk

Amadarriel. · 12mo

describe aku..

Rel, you're a really really good person. Social butterfly banget, disayang orang-orang sekitarnya, and never back down from staying up all night to play. Do remember that you do you ya, Rel. Don't let anyone or anything restrict you to do whatever you want to do. You're fine just as you are. Please smile more and stay up late less :-)

The princess. In my eyes, ngeliat teh Ceye tuh selalu kayak ngeliat the icon of elegance, with a balance of jokester. Sometimes I feel like I wanna be way way close to you, because you're a really nice yet honest yet patient person which I think would be a rainbow to your gloomy surroundings. Teteh juga selalu seliweran di TL aku yang sepi ini, maaci ya udah ngeramein tl aku. <3

varsha. ♡ · 25 answers · 12mo

Coba isi ini

Fav movie:
Fav song:
Fav food:
Fav drink:

Nama: Anastasia Maranetta Halim
TTL: Jakarta, 28 Oktober 2001
Hobi: Koleksi parfum
Fav movie: You're the Apple of My Eye
Fav song: she likes spring, i prefer winter - slchld
Fav food: Hokben (Hemat 2 with Shrimp Ball), Wingstop (prefer boneless chicken, pake Lemon Pepper & Louisiana Rub) maaf kedetailan
Fav drink: Mineral Water, Ice Latte
Motto: the good will come after the bad (is that even a motto?)

Bener kata Darrel, kayak Harvest. 😭

varsha. ♡ · 20 answers · 12mo

Deskripsiin dong sahabat terdekat kamu!

Kalau yang paling paling dekat, I have 7 of them, sifatnya beda beda banget semuanya. 😭 Ada yang bawel tapi perhatian, ada yang diem aja tapi diem diem bilang kangen, ada yang lucu terus tapi sekarang lagi masanya cinta cintaan, ada yang beneran diem aja, ada yang kerjanya bilang kangen banget sampe lebay, ada yang sesekali nyemangatin aku, ada juga yang sekali aku muncul dia heboh. If you're 7 of them, coba tebak which one you are?

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

gimana rasanya bisa kenal sama Gianna sejauh ini?🥺

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

mentemen, rate panggilan sayang dari pacar/mantan/gebetan/htsan/pasangan kalian dong? panggilan mana yang paling berkesan? 😋😋😋

WKWK KENAPA TANYA AKU, AKU ENGGAK PUNYA. But I like it if he calls me baby or babe, 10/10. Pernah dipanggil 宝贝 juga, gemes. 8/10 kali, ya? Tapi gak masalah if he wants to call me by other names, pasti akunya gemes sendiri kalo udah sayang soalnya. 😭

Revidia Mahameru. · 12mo

Lagu yang sering diputar akhir akhir ini?

Get Up by New Jeans. Made STRAIGHT UP from Alina Baraz's studio, super good walaupun cuma 30 detik (nangis). Also, Bye by Naura Ayu. Centil banget lagunya, felt pretty everyday listening to it.

Revidia Mahameru. · 12mo

Tell me about yourself

Hai, aku Annette. Nothing special or out of the ordinary, I'm just someone who loves to tell stories, giggles, and enjoy fun times. Cita-citanya pacaran sama Sung Hanbin. Maaf lancang.

Revidia Mahameru. · 12mo

Gimana hari minggunya?

HMMM it was started by a very very tired and snoozy and sleepy and boring phases. Tapi karena malem ini mau jalan-jalan, jadi lebih fun!

Anonymous Coward · 12mo

Kenapa ya orang-orang makin berani ngirim hate anon apalagi ghost QRT?

Probably because it's a safe space for them to hate and talk trash about whoever they're hating. If you're receiving this kind of hate, just know that you're worth more than whatever the anonymous coward is saying. Don't worry about those cowards, you're loved!🤏💗

varsha. ♡ · 25 answers · 12mo

Kalau lagi rest enaknya ngapain ya ol?

HMMM, mendem di DM, makan enak, sama nonton drama! Lagi banyak drama yang bagus soalnya <3

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