Anonymous Coward · 12mo

gimana rasanya bisa kenal sama Gianna sejauh ini?🥺

Gianna, you're honestly one of the most precious thing ever ever ever ever to me. Kita awalnya gak deket sama sekali, ya? Turns out pas ngadmin aku jadi super duper connected with you, we have lots of discussions, callas, laughs, and all the memories best friends could have. Thank you for hearing all my nonsenses, stories, and tell me everytime that it's okay to feel sad. I hope you don't only go around saying 'it's okay' to people, but say that to yourself too. Don't be too hard on yourself, sad while you feel sad, be happy while you can. Also, I really enjoy the fact that you're really happy with what's around you right now. Seneng bisa ketemu kamu, sumpah. Maaci udah mau jadi temenku <3

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