
Si vis artem, para bellum.

The Reverie
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Joanne · 20d

Hi, Jace. Kamu suka minum kopi gak?

I’m not really a fan of coffee, tapi kadang aku minum kalau dirasa butuh banget.

Ghostly Guest · 20d

Hi, Jace. Do you have a secret crush on someone?

athan. · 20d

pilih siomay seharga 50k atau 50k butir siomay

Ghostly Guest · 20d

Hello, Jace;) Have you had dinner?

Khai Northvale · 7 answers · 22d

What’s the one item of clothing you couldn’t live without?

It's outer, aky kind of outer. I don't like dressing with just one layer of cloth.

Ghostly Guest · 1mo

Hi, Jace. Do you currently set your eyes on someone?

athan. · 2mo

absen yang cita-citanya diapit mamah-mamah kanan kiri sampai gepeng dan menjadi kwetiau lalu dimasak hingga matang

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