あのんさん · 11mo

Your presence and our brief conversations continue to inspire my days, filling them with warmth and joy. Each morning, as I open my window, I have developed a delightful habit of greeting the sun with a heartfelt, "Hi, Zora. I hope your day is filled with greatness." And as night falls, I take a moment to send my wishes for the most beautiful dreams to accompany you, carried by the gentle glow of the moon. Tonight, as the midnight drizzle graces my windowpane, the sense of missing you returns once more. Through the moon's soft radiance, I send my tender midnight kiss, I miss you everyday.

My morning filled with sweet message from you, Anon-san. Sorry I just saw it too.
As what you said, ya. You will greet me if you feel miss me. Then you're here. As always too, Idk how to react at your poetry message, auto kikuk, real. Gimana ya Pak Ustad. I hope your day filled with greatness too, Anon-san. (Sorry if I still call you like that here, might you feel uncomfortable if I calling by your name)

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