Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous Degenerate · 6d

I really hope you haven't stopped making two-person drama-focused cards. YSAYB, YMAYA, and YMAYC are the most compelling cards out there by a pretty wide margin imo. They're really something special. You do incredible work <3

I haven't stopped! I've just been taking a bit of a break to knock out some forks and beef up some existing cards. I have a bunch of 2-char cards on the way (probably in this order):
- Your Governess and Your Maid (it's gonna be a bit coomier than most, I gotta admit, but there will be some drama in there too)
- Your Sister and Your Childhood Friend (Emi rewritten, Sakura's your sister)
- Your Cousin and Your Childhood Friendzone

I'm really happy with how they've been turning out, too. YSAYB is still my favorite. I really appreciate the praise and support, friend!

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