Aiko · 13 answers · 4mo

What movies do you have on your current to-watch list?

Melancholia, The Face of Another, The Panic In Needle Park, and Tokyo Twilight. :]

Chasing Liberty, Panduan Mempersiapkan Perpisahan, Before Sunrise, and Chungking Express for now! 🥹

I just added Damsel and Dune on my list. Also Pretty Woman (I know I’m super late for this) andd Society of the Snow.

I haven't been watching many movies lately, but I really want to watch Exhuma since people have said it's good.

Sadly, I have none. Just kidding, I have way too much titles on my dusty list I think I should start a new one! Please suggest me something to watch that could either make me laugh or cry.

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