Liam Archandra.
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Aiko · 12 answers · 4mo

How do you find attractive in a person?

Aiko · 13 answers · 4mo

If you could domesticate any animal as your pet, which would you choose?

Panda, obviously. They're adorable, chill, and just have that "cool factor." Plus, who wouldn't want a cuddly black-and-white ball of fluff as a pet?

Aiko · 14 answers · 4mo

What is one song that’s able to bring you to tears?

Aiko · 13 answers · 4mo

What movies do you have on your current to-watch list?

Aiko · 17 answers · 4mo

Question! What is your least favorite genre of film? :3

Documentary? Kinda bored watching them, but it depends on what the documentary is about.

Aiko · 5 answers · 5mo

How would you tell the difference between obedience and following orders to avoid being hurt?

As for me, obedience is like following the rules or respecting authority, while following orders to avoid getting hurt is more about looking out for yourself. CMIIW. Cium me if I’m wrong. 😁

Aiko · 10 answers · 4mo

What is the lesson you have learned from your past relationship?

We are always the bad ones in someone’s story, even though you have done your best for your relationship.

Aiko · 10 answers · 4mo

What is the most disgusting thing you have ever done in a relationship?

Aiko · 10 answers · 4mo

What is the wildest thing you have ever done to get someone's attention?

Never done something wild in my life. Beda cerita kalau “wild” yang itu ya, Aiko. Ykwim.

Aiko · 9 answers · 4mo

If you were given an entire day to indulge in any activity, what would you choose to do? Please let me know! <3

Aiko · 10 answers · 4mo

Are you a chill-breezy person or do you get super competitive? :o

Aiko · 9 answers · 4mo

Do you like exploring or trying new foods, or do you prefer sticking to your favorite dishes?

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