Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

dearest anon · 1y

Ashie lucu banget tiap lewat tl, be happy always ya, cantik! - masih yang tadi.

HSHSHJS muncul beneran.. maaf ya anon, sebenernya aku ngga beneran ngejar kok.. u___u (takutnya kamu merasa terancam...???) tapi kamu tau ngga, what you just said earlier (and now) really made my day looh huhuhu boleh yaa terharu mungil! thank you so much, anon. semoga kamu juga bahagia selalu walaupun hari kamu mungkin kadang gerimis, gapapa nanti aku payungin! <3 also, only and ONLY if you're up for it, i'd be so glad to know you better hehee

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