Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

dearest anon · 1y

Selamat malam, ashie cantik. Maaf telat muncul lagi. I just want you to know that you are doing great so far, and i'm so proud of you! Aku gak tau kamu sudah melewati apa aja, tapi aku sangat berterimakasih karena kamu masih bertahan sampai saat ini. Be happy selalu, ya.

hAAAII selamat pagi, kak anon! hee kenapa minta maaf gitu, harusnya aku yang minta maaf karena baru bangun dan lihat inbox retro lagi... t___t and my god i swear you're the sweetest. my heart feels so warm reading this :< kamu sengaja bikin aku terharu, ya? you know what, i'm sooo proud of you, too! for the fact that you're still here, to exist and deliver joy not only for me but also to everyone hehee. by the way, kamu udah sarapan belum? :0 jangan lupa yaaa!

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