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Anonymous Coward · 3mo

kok mau sama cewek suka ngomong kasar gitu, padahal kak halim bisa dapat yang lebih baik

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

if you could teleport to your favorite anime, film, Kdrama or series, what would you choose? 🎬

Never crossed my mind that I'd go to any place in my favorite anime, because the most are shounen. I dislike seeing people fight. But I kinda want to meet my sweet Sawako chan, hehehe.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

gimn tuh rasanya dating mentally unstable girl, gue saranin tinggalin sebelum lo ikutan jd gila cewe lo jg pnyakitan🤣

Is pathetic life forcing you to drag someone and try to make them look bad to fill your ego? How that's feel after that? You feel nice? Because I see you hopelessly trying it lately and wonder, should I care and be worry about your mental issues instead or just laugh over it? Pathetic.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Cakep kak ceweknya, buat aku ya

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

kak halim udah punya sawako yah..? (bukan sawako yang anon sawako itu)

Maksudnya sudah punya cewek? Punya, tapi bukan Sawako chan, namanya Naoto Kairi.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

I really have a big crush on you Halim

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

Halim pdkt sama joanne ya?

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

kata kamu aku dm sekarang apa nanti aja (anon sawako) nervous grogi pingsan

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

hi kak halim! ini aku anon sawako ^__^, kak halim dah siap kimi ni todoke season 3??? (sebentar lg)

Hi!! Siap banget lah melihat kecantikan pacarku si sawako chan itu. Sorry baru baca karena baru login retro (TMI).

Gabriella · 4 answers · 7mo

Liburan akhir tahun semakin dekat! Kalian ada rencana mau ngapain aja nih pas liburan?

Makan makanan yang banyak, makan makanan manis, ngobrol dan main game sampai ngantuk.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

yang bener.... kalau bener lagi ga naksir orang, nanti aku DM (menerima kode) (kalau i berani)

(Mode serius) In romantic way, I really have no interest in anyone lately. Kalau gitu ditunggu notif DM nya ya, non sawako kw.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

kak km lagi naksir orang ga? 😅 -anon sawako

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

intro gmn ini anon ga bole komen ya 🙂 aku adalah seorang sawako pls ya percaya

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