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Rhace Benecio · 7 answers · 9mo

are you the type of person who can re-watch movie or not? may i know what movie it is?

yes i can, but not every movie i’ll rewatch. i would say maze runner, i never felt boring by watching it again and again.

Hi, Ace! Tergantung sama movie yang aku tonton sih, kadang ada beberapa movie yang aku re-watch karena kangen, atau karena akunya buntu mau nonton apa. Movie yang biasa aku re-watch tuh Avengers, princess diaries! I love this movie sm.

Yes, I am. Some of them are Interstellar, Koe no Katachi.. terus apalagi, ya. Bahkan anime aja gw rewatch berkali-kali

I watch Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone for more than 30 times already, so 🚶

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