Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous sucker. · 12mo

Hi, Hasta. It is me again. Not sure if you will notice or anything but I just come across at my timeline after long work hours and I saw your tweet. What I can tell you is that is true people should not look up to other people because we have our own imperfections but you have to note that when someone is look up to you, it is not merely because you are always good in doing everything but also because despite everything bad that comes in your life, you still manage to work hard for that and people will admire you about that. I hope you know that you are more than just people's expectations. You are much more than that.

Oh, sugar, I give you my most blissful thanks. I didn't know that I need this much of a reassurance, I appreciate this message so so much. Thank you, Anon, once again. May life treats you well and February welcomes you with an abundance. I will make sure to keep your words in mind. Also, your first sentence struck me a little; you again? Who, if I'm allowed to ask? Which one of the secret messenger are you?

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