a scaredy-cat · 1y

I'm so glad for hear it, may your day always fulfilled with happiness. I can't reply towards this cc because I don't have one. Fortunately my eid was good too, I eat much much good food here and took an enough rest for 2 days before starting another tough days I think? Hahaha. Maybe I'll reach you out in a days with my new account, since my account get s-worded. See you!

glad to hear such stories coming from you as well. i’m hoping you can find the right time to take care of yourself during your tough days ahead at least also all the good words back to you! anyways, are you sure we really have known each other before? i still got nothing to find about who you really are and i’m starting to feel terrible somehow. i’ll be patiently waiting for you though, just take your time!

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