avery nicole
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a scaredy-cat · 9mo

Damn, how can I forgot your birthday??!! Like, stupid me. Like do you know since the first I'm always being the busiest people in this world, hahaha forget it! But I'm doing good anyway. Happy birthday s, m to our Avery. May god always bless you, amen. I'm so happy to knowing you reached this level of happiness because life is sucks and too flat if we spent it with sadness. Have a merriest birthday!

it’s okay, though. there is no word late in my dictionary when someone comes with good intentions. thank you for the wishes, anyway. i can’t believe you’re still here after almost half a year, yet you never had any intention to show up. may God return your kindness a thousandfold! i hope you’re doing fine and resting well despite your busy schedule as well

a scaredy-cat · 10mo
a scaredy-cat · 11mo

Are you currently having a relationship with someone?

i’m not saying i’m currently having a relationship, but i’ve been close to someone for the last few months, and i have no intention of getting close to anyone else other than him for now ✌🏻

a scaredy-cat · 12mo

Oh wow, you must be so busy rn. Boosting good luck for you! I'm doing good, but a little bit tired sometimes. So I slept early almost everyday. Surprisingly I just came here to greet you by the way, since talk with you is such a blessing for me.

i can never thank you enough that you have still been coming by these past three months, i am so delighted that we talked as well. may the world always be kinder and more tender to you. i wish we would be able to stay in touch!

a scaredy-cat · 1y

Hi! Since today is aespa concert on Indonesia, suddenly made me reminds of you. How's life?

hey! i thought you left and went somewhere else already, however thank you for still remember me also checking up on me. i’ve been busy with workloads these few days but it’s all good. how about yours?

a scaredy-cat · 1y

I'm so mad at myself because I don't brave enough to show off and slide you DMs and made you waiting for a long time. So sorry about it, I already adoring you since when I don't know. But I just want to keep myself to not to break the boundaries because I don't want to see you waiting for nothing, since I don't know when I can be closer to you because my current condition not so good. See you on another time, greatest moonlight. May all your day always great, just like you do.

a scaredy-cat · 1y

I'm so glad for hear it, may your day always fulfilled with happiness. I can't reply towards this cc because I don't have one. Fortunately my eid was good too, I eat much much good food here and took an enough rest for 2 days before starting another tough days I think? Hahaha. Maybe I'll reach you out in a days with my new account, since my account get s-worded. See you!

glad to hear such stories coming from you as well. i’m hoping you can find the right time to take care of yourself during your tough days ahead at least also all the good words back to you! anyways, are you sure we really have known each other before? i still got nothing to find about who you really are and i’m starting to feel terrible somehow. i’ll be patiently waiting for you though, just take your time!

a scaredy-cat · 1y

Hey, I'm back. Mind to tell me how was your eid mubarak?

hey there, you’re back! i just had one of the best eid in my life. i’m so thankful because i really had a blast catch up with my big family properly after a long time so it's a pretty fulfilling day. and tell me yours! is there any interesting stories happened today that worth to be share? :3

a scaredy-cat · 1y

I'm sorry, I can't show up my self for now since I'm on rehat sosmed phase. But we do know each other before, sadly you left me on read or even doesn't reply on our last convo. I'll say hi next time, have a good day.

i’m sincerely so sorry.. i really have a bad habit on having people left on read, but i would never do anything intentionally to leave anyone on opened. and sometimes, i just replied in my head without remembering to reply. wish i knew who you were so i could say my apologies right away, yet i’m still clueless about who you are. if you come back, please double text me, i promise i’ll reply every single one of your messages. hope the rest of the day will treat you well! x

a scaredy-cat · 1y

Happy birthday, my karina

do you mind if i ask you to show yourself up over my DMs so i can thank you in person? honestly i didn't expect someone still remembers me as karina thus am i wrong if i’m guessing that you’re my closest person, no?

a scaredy-cat · 1y

How's life?

it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster lately, but i’m still hanging in there. thank you for asking me anyway. whoever you are, i hope you’re doing good too <3

Kevander · 10 answers · 1y

Do you believe in the power of handwritten love letters?

definitely! handwritten love letters hold weight, your words carry the emotional feeling with the letters and it takes time to sit down then write your thoughts out by hand. i find handwritten letters much personal and meaningful, both to send and receive. it’s undoubtedly a much more intimate yet romantic gesture than simply sending a text or tell

a scaredy-cat · 1y

Your current type of future lover?

as long as my future lover is a good person and someone i could have a great conversation with, then i’d be really happy! but if need to be more specific, i want someone who i feel like i can just openly tell them anything without hold back my feelings, who likes to debate over the dumbest things but also some of the smartest things, who would love me for who i am, and importantly who loves to investing our time in each other. the point is, just go back to the first sentence and that’s all

a scaredy-cat · 1y

Who's the most intimidate person that you want to talk but at the end you don't brave enough to talk with?

i’m sorry but what context are you talking about? i don't think i have a specific person who intimidates me enough moreover make me afraid to talk to them. however, how intimidating that person is as long as i want to talk to them, i’ll definitely brave to start the conversation :]

a scaredy-cat · 1y

What the greatest or unexpected gift that you ever get in your rpw life from your lover?

since i don't have a lover at the moment maybe let’s talk about some gifts from my exes. the first one was probably a captain america lego, i really appreciate how they came up with the idea as they knew i love mcu and being in the captain team. the second one was a book, they made me a book about myself which got me jaw-dropping with a lot of effort they put on it. i’m sure my closest friends know everything about it, as well as i who still keep all of their precious gifts and keep them well. however, the best gift i’ve ever received from them is how our relationship is still settled as good friends until this day 🫡

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