a scaredy-cat · 1y

I'm so mad at myself because I don't brave enough to show off and slide you DMs and made you waiting for a long time. So sorry about it, I already adoring you since when I don't know. But I just want to keep myself to not to break the boundaries because I don't want to see you waiting for nothing, since I don't know when I can be closer to you because my current condition not so good. See you on another time, greatest moonlight. May all your day always great, just like you do.

please don’t be mad at yourself, okay? you should know that for this whole month, you excite me every day for some reason. even if you do, you don't break the boundaries or make me wait for nothing. indeed it feels so fun waiting for the presence of someone i don’t know. i’d love to befriend you or even just have a small conversation with you. but i respect your decision, whatever it is. it’s with an extremely heavy heart that i write this, though thank you so much for adoring me all this time. my DMs are always open if you want to show off, i still wish i could say everything to you in person. however, i only wish you the best there. see you on another time, greatest starlight! 🤍

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