a scaredy-cat · 10mo

Seems like Avery is everyone crush right? How's life? This is the same person who greet you 2 months ago! WOW, life never been this fast before and I enjoyed it. I hope the same goes to you. Frankly speaking, it was the great time for adoring you this long (funfact, it was my longest time for being anonymous and I think I'll keep it for a long time *sorry). There's a lot of reason for everything that's happen, right? Same just like my feelings, I value you but I will not have some intention for being closer with you. That guy must be so lucky, and don't forget to tell him for taking care of you because I can't do. Thank you for being my lifesaver for being happy just because looking you from afar. Meet me in another occassion, pinky promise?

i’m crying right now, like literally tears are falling on my face while reading your message. WHY did i just read it on a broad saturday night ☹️ i enjoyed talking and getting to know you all this time. i should be the one thanking you for admiring my average self for the past few months. i’m sorry if i asked you to show up several times (which is not a secret admirer concept, lol). don’t worry, i’m currently at the happiest stage of my life, and my life has never been this good because this guy really takes good care of me. thank you also for being my reason to always check my retrospring all the time and reminding me to care for myself before he came that day. i owe you for that. and YES, let’s meet on another occasion! may the world always be kind to you yaaa 🤍 IH SEDIH boleh enggak jangan perpisahan kayak gini. I WANT TO HUG YOU SO BAD :(

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