Little Nonny · 4d

Sorry to ask, but in TSOS, will any of the characters (from various groups) who have yet to show up be villainized? I really love TSOS, it’s an amazing fic, I’m just worried that if or when characters I’m hoping will be involved show up, that they’ll be an asshole and I’d want to (respectfully) tap out before then. Still, thank you for writing TSOS, it’s amazing!

Uhhhh there's certainly going to be a bit of grey morality when both Hanbins show up, but I wouldn't say either of them is a villain, it's just a pair of very complex emotional plots. The actual villains are... not idols lol. They're not OCs but they're not any of the idols in the groups involved with the fic! But as usual, I will continue adding individual chapter warnings, so when the villains do show up, there will be warnings in advance. Thank you for loving the fic, I hope you can continue reading until the end <3

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