Beau / Boba

Ask me questions about anything really(stuff about my ocs, my opinions on ships/canon characters, whatever you want)

You can even leave art requests and I'll try my best to do them :>

in a pond
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Anon · 1mo

if you could actually eat styrofoam, you think itd have the same texture as a rice cake?

Anon · 1mo

which ocs of yours would like spicy food the most?

Anon · 4mo

If your cookie OCs were humans in our world where do you think they'd be from? :D

Idk about all of my ocs but: (going off the accents i think each have)

Coffee Cake - Germany
Mocha Gelato - South Korea
Salmon - Scotland
Nea Crepe, Vanilla Cappucino, and Latte Macchiato - various parts of England probably(latte macchiato and vani cappuccino are second gen South Korean immigrants)
Lionfish - either Ireland or England
Cinnilla Creme - France
Nightshade - Spain i think
Dorayaki and Blueberry Cakehound - the US i guess?

and that's all i can think of right now. the last handful of ocs i just haven't thought too deeply about ethnicity/nationality for them yet

Anon · 4mo

Which one of your OCs is more likely to draw a mustache on someone's face while they sleep, and who do you think would be their victim?

Anon · 5mo

ahaha... would it be evil of me.. to ask... for caviar and clotted... totally not clotty here wym!!
but haiii :3 i offer a question
if you could make your fav be improved designwise or so, how would they be like and why so? :0

haii clotty!! i'll try to doodle something later when i have energy skjdfb
to answer the question, i like all my fav's designs as is but if i had to choose, Abyss Monarch would probably look better if they had more octopus features like, the arms as their legs instead of regular legs i guess

Anon · 6mo

you should totally draw affogato cookie

Anon · 6mo

Why are you gay?/silly

Anon · 6mo

On a scale of 1-10, how much would you say Custard III annoys you?

Anon · 6mo

Does Mocha Gelato know how to sew? :0

Yes! She learned to sew when she was young. It's come really in handy with repairing and altering her own clothes, especially now that she leaves alone in the forest. Eventually she'll start sewing new outfits when she gets access to fabric and such from the villages

Anon · 6mo

How much of a sweet tooth does Coffee Cake have?

they love sweets, they always have caramel flavored candy in their bag lmao. if i had to guess, they have a moderate sweet tooth if that makes sense

Anon · 6mo

what is the scariest (funny) thing that you think one of your ocs would do

Well, Mocha Gelato somehow managed to tame a Frozen Peak Prowler, which are implied to be one of the more dangerous creatures in the Dark Cacao Kingdom so I'd consider that pretty scary(the funny part is Carrow and Crunchy Chip coming to visit her and being absolutely horrified that she has a Prowler suddenly)

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