Anon · 4mo

If your cookie OCs were humans in our world where do you think they'd be from? :D

Idk about all of my ocs but: (going off the accents i think each have)

Coffee Cake - Germany
Mocha Gelato - South Korea
Salmon - Scotland
Nea Crepe, Vanilla Cappucino, and Latte Macchiato - various parts of England probably(latte macchiato and vani cappuccino are second gen South Korean immigrants)
Lionfish - either Ireland or England
Cinnilla Creme - France
Nightshade - Spain i think
Dorayaki and Blueberry Cakehound - the US i guess?

and that's all i can think of right now. the last handful of ocs i just haven't thought too deeply about ethnicity/nationality for them yet

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