maya · 5 answers · 8mo

u won a free video call with your ult bias. how will u spend your special 2 minutes with them?

it's funny because i'm the kind of rps writer who is zero percent interested in ever meeting my faves IRL, i like keeping them completely separate from me and totally in a bubble and i have no desire to actually interact with them whatsoever... so i have literally never thought about this topic! BUT if i ever had 2 minutes with kai i would spend it completely blubbering about how he's literally so special and talented and how his presence brings me so much joy and maybe if it wasn't too creepy i'd tell him how i'm convinced he could be a highly successful fashion model if he ever tried and also i'd ask him what his first language is and what it was like to grow up in china for most of his childhood and why he never talks about it and then i would get kicked out for being overly invasive

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