Anonymous · 1mo

i've been following you since totk and when you posted dunmeshi, i was skeptical about getting into it, but it has changed my life. people would always say there was something "wrong with me" and i could never understand what they meant, but seeing a lot of neurodivergent people explain the parallels between their lives and dunmeshi's characters made a light bulb in my head go off. i still don't quite know what to do with my life, but dunmeshi has given me hope, so thank you for posting about it.

omg first of all im sorry anyone ever told you there was something wrong with you, thats really sad. being neurodivergent doesn't mean theres anything wrong with us, its just a difference. but regardless im glad that dungeon meshi struck a chord with you like it did with me and im happy to have introduced you to it! even if it was through gay porn lol

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