Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 2mo

this might be SO tmi or so cringe but honestly you make me feel sane and validated about some of the stuff ive discovered im into. (NOT gross/icky stuff that is obvs wrong ofc.) i always got worried that i was a huge freak but seeing someone talk about it or rationalize it is very reassuring. thank you twitter user bedtimecreature. i wish you many amazing days in your future!

this is so good! i think its so beneficial to approach kink from a point of view of curiosity and discovery rather than shame. sex is not evil, kinks and arousal aren't bad, its a complicated mixture of your sexual development and psychology. its so much healthier to look at something that excites you and think "huh why does that make me feel this way" and really think about it instead of just being like, "this is weird, im a freak, theres something wrong with me" because unless its an actual paraphilia that promotes harming someone then its probably fine! and even if it is weird who cares lmao, you're allowed to be weird, thats your own business

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