Retrospring is shutting down on 1st March, 2025 Read more

Anonymous · 2mo

h,, hear me out… kabru housewifecation.. taking a strong resilient advisor and making him curvy and loving and doting… just a thought 🫣

i wont deny that its sexy but i think i feel differently about it compared to my housewife link stuff esp with headcanoning them both as transmasc. link i feel like he was forced into becoming a fighter. the master sword chose him so he really didn't have a say in the matter, he was forced into learning how to use it and becoming a hero. he's really good at it but that doesn't necessarily mean he finds fulfillment in it. so an au where he gets to try something different and live a life that he potentially missed out on when heroism was thrust on him feels nice. but kabru has stated in canon that he would never choose to go back to that comfy room where he could eat all the cake he wants. he is clearly very fulfilled being an adventurer and then an influential political figure. so the housewifecation doesn't feel as fair and nice. it feels more like forcing him back into a box he already left where as with link, its allowing him to play in a space that he never got to explore. ultimately i like tf stuff best when it allows the characters to express repressed and unfulfilled desires, and not just because "pretty curvy mommy tf hot"

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