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best friend · 6mo

what’s 14’s fav thing about 26? and vice versa

HMM i think 14, despite his insistence against 26, rly admires him in a lot of ways bc Yes 26 is (by design) kind of his "ideal self"; his self confidence, the way he has Physically grown, etc. i think even when 14 thinks 26 is creepy that he also thinks he's Sweet sometimes and has that same desire to grow up to be "cool" like him. his Favorite is probably 26's attitude which is chill 99% of the time. and if the question was Physical then definitely his belly (or his hair... he likes his hair)

likewise i think as much as 26's vision around 14 is clouded sometimes he has kind of the reverse admiration of 14, where he sees himself but more "pure". less touched by rick's abuse, still unabashed in the things he enjoys etc. he thinks 14 is objectively a Good Person and strives for good. again if the question was Physically based, hmm probably his hands? and/or his wrists. his limbs in general. very small. he can't remember being that tiny LOL

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