
kink artist/crazy. having lots of fun. ask me about my fucked up ocs
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best friend · 2mo

could you draw 26 pussy out with apron belly? :3c

oof almost forgot about this one. fat mortussy in the morning come get it while its hot

best friend · 2mo

Can you draw more 91 and 26? Lowkey wanna see nsfw of those two fghjkldfsa

best friend · 16d

does mr m have any embarrassing tattoos that he regrets.. or piercings? -🐛🤓

NOO probably not tbh hes always been sort of a straight edge morty. no piercings, no tats. if he did it would defo be like a tacky thigh tattoo or a tramp stamp tho

best friend · 1mo

i love mr. m please pet my bunny morty please please please id sob and kiss ur shoes —momert :3

Peachi · 25d

Ah geez,,,, I kinda wanna see Mr. M beat up a lil more 🤌

oops you said "mr. m beat up" and i heard.... kidnapping and noncon. bad customers!

Peachi · 25d

👁👄👁 I wanna know Mr. M's kinks

Peachi · 25d

How often do you think Rick showers? Is he a clean boi or a nasty old man?

TBH im pretty firm in the Clean Rick category..... possibly sometimes furthest to Cleanfreak. i think in his deepest depressive episodes he can go weeks without showering but generally if hes in a Right State Of Mind he can shower every 2/3 days. mostly til he starts Feeling Dirty enough that its so distractingg

best friend · 26d

what do u miss right now

hmmm a lot of my friends ! ive been sort of offline lately cuz weve been moving and i havent been talking to anybody 😢😭

best friend · 1mo

Mr. M and his bodyguard? 🥺 one-sided pining

best friend · 1mo

YOU. YYOU. YIU what. If. What if you drew. 26……p….pregnandt… whhhuygg… doesn’t even have 2 be a human baby it can be a weird alien thing rick needs his adult body to incubate. But …ighhh….big booby….hghhhh…big belly…ouuhh..pregnancy hunger….

oh oops i forgot to post this ask. i done it muahaha maybe i'll do it more.... maaaybbeee :3

best friend · 1mo

Very good question, ALL OF THEM. Fr though if I’d just have to say a huge favourite of mine is the one non-con one of 91 and 14, the dialogue and position was immaculate 👌

REALLY?? WOAAHH DEEP CUT.... thats like one of the first comics i posted of them i think HAHA THANKS

best friend · 1mo

fappin to those stuffed morties. something extra delicious when it’s shenanigans between 26 x twins. when they’re bein naive pussy out… end me. oh that one comic where rick helps 26 bust outta them pants. the morp gobbles. alllll those uncontrollable burps. i DO be fappin on. them pencil lines…. i DO be sippin that juice…. 😋

and youre a genius anon im right there with you....... thank you for your admittance. this is why i do it

best friend · 2mo

top 3 loona biases and why you bias them? 🙇

1. um. jinsoul. why i bias her? Its Jinsoul. /j in all honesty i looove her voice and her personality is funny and also i find her very beautiful
2. yeojin... she is so FUNNY SILLY and its been fun getting 2 watch her branch out more in loossemble and dress and act the way she wants to. her voice also BEAUTIFUL
3. heejin once again beautiful voice beautiful personality i think shes so silly funny girl + her solo album changed my life

doggy · 2mo

you have your own genuine rare 1/200 untouched morty… hes fresh out the box with the certificate and everything…. wyd?

WITH THE CERTIFICATE.... it would be tempting to try and resell him but since hes unboxed id be uncouth not to go ahead and indulge

im playing the long game. most ppl would start right into the fucktoy angle, and thats good and fine. me? im establishing security. im making him drop his guard. im feeding him four meals a day and rubbing his tummy to sleep. two months go by before i touch him proper. that way hes nice and plump, and goes along with it, its just me id never hurt him. comfy enough that hes super soaking yknow? and then i just do what i do best : Spoil Em

best friend · 2mo

What's got to be your least favorite scene? like so bad you wish you could use the memory gun to mind blow yourself

oh man this is a hard pick for me bc i like so much of the show... the first thing that comes to mind is in lawnmower dog when they're on the plane and rick resorts immediately to islamophobia its so bad it just feels so out of place

thats probably the only one i have such a harsh reaction to. i do also hate the scene where they recruit elon tusk in one crew just bc i hate him. that one is more tolerable bc its preceded and padded by mr. poopybutthole hephaestus and ventriloquiver, all of whom i find to be quite fun. also he cuddles with hephaestus at the end of the ep

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